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8 Social Media Mistakes Most Companies Make & How to Fix Them

Written by Rob Steffens | 11/2/18 10:35 PM

The top social media networks out there offer you access to billions of leads in real time.

In that sea of possibilities, however, finding the right one is often like chasing the white whale.

Businesses of all sizes know they want the reach and revenue that social media can offer them. But, all too often, they fall prey to social media mistakes that sink their campaign before it starts.

The most common social media mistakes wreak havoc on well-meaning marketing teams. Most of the time, they mean zero ROI on social channels. Sometimes, they even damage your brand.

Let’s look at the most common social media mistakes and how to counteract them.

1. Using the Wrong Platform




Lots of social media gurus will tell you that your brand should be represented across all major social media platforms.

We have a different take: Your brand should be on every social media platform that will produce value for you. That varies according to your enterprise.

For example, LinkedIn is by far and away the most effective social network when it comes to prospecting B2B leads. On the other hand, Facebook is good for cultivating relationships with existing customers, while Twitter is perfect for finding new prospects and promoting content.

Many companies toss a brand page up on Facebook and hope for the best. They’re startled when they don’t get it ... and then, ultimately, they decide social media isn’t for them.

How to Fix It

Use the right social media platforms for the right promotions at the right time. For B2B firms just starting out in the social world, LinkedIn should be your first stop.

2. Not Setting Up Your Profile

For years, the default “egg” icon on Twitter was a dead giveaway that you were looking at a fake account. The same is true of the bland default silhouette on Facebook. Sure, there may be real people behind some of these accounts, but they just don’t project trust, do they?

And yet, some businesses fall to fully fill out their social profiles, leaving them faceless.

How to Fix It

On each and every network, your profile should be completely filled out.

That includes:

  • Name/Username
  • Profile Picture
  • Description
  • Interests
  • Location
  • URL

3. Not Posting With a Goal in Mind

“If you build it, they will come” doesn’t apply to social media – and thinking it will is one of the biggest social media mistakes! Posting just any old thing causes your leads and customers to simply tune you out. And yes, that includes all those “inspiring” quotes!

How to Fix It

Every post should have a purpose! That means keeping two things in mind:

  • What value is this post going to offer to your audience?
  • What product, service, or solution does this connect to?

4. Not Collecting Analytics Data




Data is what makes scientific marketing scientific.

Although each platform does offer its own set of analytics features for marketers, you’ll still need to do some footwork to pull them all together and make meaningful comparisons between results on various social sites.

How to Fix It

The ideal solution here is adopting your own analytics suite that provides an overall solution tying together all your social efforts. Some social media management apps not only facilitate posting across multiple platforms, but also track the impact of each post.

If this isn’t possible, then you’ll need to set time aside each month to compile social media marketing reports and track your progress. Luckily, metrics like social engagement and click-through rates are broadly similar on every platform, so you won’t reinvent the wheel.

5. Not Reviewing and Adapting Your Strategy

What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

Social media companies move fast and roll out new features constantly. At the same time, even social power users become disenchanted, bored, and finally frustrated with existing methods of reaching out. As a result, you could find your key social metrics suffering even if you’re pursuing a time-tested strategy.

How to Fix It

Again, this all comes down to your analytics data. Broad changes in which content appeals to your social media following may take several quarters to emerge.

To see the big picture, you need to be watching for it. Align your content to audience needs, but don’t rely exclusively on what worked in the past: Also make time to experiment with content so you catch new trends.

6. Not Connecting Social to Website Conversion

Your follower count goes up. More people click “Like.” Then what?

One of the biggest social media mistakes is forgetting to connect your social media activities with the conversion goals of your site.

This could lead to social media traffic turning into pure overhead: People may give you a thumbs up, but they don’t engage with your site on the deeper level that leads to sales.

How to Fix It

At least 30% of your social media posts should lead back to your blog or other value-added content on your site.

Make sure that everything you share includes an appropriate lead generation mechanism: For example, an email subscription signup form at the bottom of a blog post or a (tasteful) pop-up. It’s okay to link followers directly to your offer landing pages, too!

7. Using the Wrong Tone

Let’s face it: Not all of us can be the Wendy’s Twitter.




You don’t have to be flat and boring, but using the wrong tone can hurt your brand reputation.

Jokes and sarcasm are often hard to detect, and simple misunderstandings can blow up into serious issues. Since your social media accounts interact with people in real time, they are often seen as the “true” voice of your brand.

How to Fix It

While lots of executives worry about social media embarrassment, it’s easier to avoid than some might think.

Early in your social media journey, establish a clear editorial process that involves multiple team members looking at each post while they sit in your queue. As things develop, you can whip up a style guide that provides appropriate pointers on how your brand should “talk.”

8. Using Too Much Plain Text Content

Social media marketers who dive into the data soon learn one thing: Visually-focused content performs better than text across the board.

It’s more likely to catch users’ eyes as they scroll quickly through their social feed. Once they click, they’re also more likely to share. Unfortunately, some B2B brands seem to regard text-only content as more “professional.”

How to Fix It

How can you balance the need to hammer out eye-catching visual content alongside continuous social posting? A mature workflow for visual content is essential. Look for apps that accelerate social graphic creation. Architect some baseline standards so each member of the social team knows what visuals posts need to be impactful. And for heaven’s sake, record more short-form videos!

These eight issues are, by far and away, the most common social media mistakes for B2B marketers.

Commit to avoiding all of them and you’ll already be doing better than 90% of the brands in your space. Combine that with a true dedication to posting consistently and interacting with your followers and yours could become one of the standout social accounts in B2B.