1. What do we do better than anyone in our industry?
  2. What is our company's unique selling propositions (USP)?
  3. What does our audience perceive as our strengths?
  4. What elements make up our best success stories?
  5. Where exactly are we falling short in comparison to our competitors?
  6. What aspects could we improve on, and what areas should we avoid?
  7. What does our audience perceive as our weaknesses?
  8. What are the elements we can attribute to our biggest setbacks?
  9. What are the most popular trends happening in our industry right now?
  10. What are the best resources we can use to stay in the know on new opportunities?
  11. What changes occurred in our industry recently? 
  12. What are the most obvious new opportunities we can jump on?
  13. How are competitors and industry changes threatening our company's position?
  14. What is changing in terms of how we ensure quality of our products or services?
  15. What obstacles stand in our way now, and which ones can we expect in the near future?
  16. How are our weaknesses compromising our strategies?