The Solution: Post-Show Tactics
The event was just the beginning. After generating leads and adding contacts to their CRM, BandGrip needed a strategy to further engage their new leads. Bluleadz worked with them on a number of initiatives.
Automated List Segmentation
Thanks to the integration between Modus and HubSpot, BandGrip’s list of newly acquired contacts were automatically segmented based on custom properties.
So new contacts were put into a list based on their lead source. In this case, the lead source was noted as AAOS 2019.
Email Drip Campaign
Based on this list segmentation, contacts were enrolled into workflows. This email drip campaign included the following:
Thank You Email #1
This email was sent on the day of the event, a few hours after the lead visited BandGrip’s booth and was scanned into the Modus app. Real-time following up helped engaged new contacts immediately.
The content was a simple thank you message and included links to the following landing pages:
It also included direct contact information for BandGrip’s sales specialist.
Thank You Email #2
The second email in this workflow was sent two days later and included another thank you message and some additional information. Content assets our team included in the email were the following:
BandGrip Basics: Info Sheet – This two-page document includes all the information leads need to know, including the benefits of the product, how to apply and remove it, and when to use it.
BandGrip Study: Whitepaper – This whitepaper details a performance evaluation study for use cases when the product was applied for closing surgical incisions after arthroscopic shoulder procedures.
BandGrip Video: How It Works – This instructional video shows how the product closes incisions and compares it to traditional stitches to show how much faster and less invasive BandGrip is.
The workflow was intended to further engage new leads to drive brand awareness and educate recipients on the value of BandGrip’s product.