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20 Digital Marketing Resources Every Business Needs in Their Arsenal

Digital marketing is always evolving, so it's crucial to know where to get the latest news and the best digital marketing resources.

Even the most trusted digital marketing resources can go out of date almost overnight – so the best platforms for marketers are always churning out fresh news and useful assets.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing Resources

There are so many benefits to committing yourself to self-education, especially when you’re working in digital marketing

You Can Learn the Basics In No Time. 

The process of learning how to be the best marketer you can be calls for continuous research. The simple truth is that the domain of digital marketing is so vast.




A major benefit using digital marketing resources is the fact that you can learn about the basics on your own. And you can learn them really quickly. 

Sure there are incredible blogs and ebooks you can read, but you can also listen to audiobooks and podcasts or watch explainer videos too. In other words, you can find so many different ways to consume educational content about marketing. 

The basic concepts lay the foundation for your general knowledge of the industry, but you can continually build your level of expertise over time.

You Can Dive Deep Into Specialties. 

Outside of the fundamentals lies specialized areas that play big roles in the digital marketing landscape. Some of the most common and in-demand areas of speciality include:

When you determine what specialties you want to focus on, you can find the digital marketing resources that align with your personal goals. 

You Can Become a Part of a Passionate Community.

You might be learning on your own time and often doing it alone, but you’re also steeping yourself in a world full of energetic, excited innovators who want to continue changing the game and being ahead of the curve. 

You don’t need to just sit and read blogs all day. You can join social media groups, go to meetup events, jump into online forums, and more to stay fully engaged with your fellow digital marketers. 

Types of Marketing Resources

You can pick what kinds of resources best fit your budget, your preference, and your learning style. And when you find your preferences, you're going to be unstoppable in how much you can learn and apply to your marketing efforts. 




Here are a few commonly used resources worth considering:

  • Blogs: blogs are great for staying updated on the most current information.
  • Ebooks: learn about a specific topic in a condensed yet comprehensive piece of work. 
  • Online courses: often interactive, these are great if you like structured educational content that includes various types of media (video, audio, text, etc.)
  • Infographics: perfect for visual learners, infographics often break a complex concept down into simpler terms to make it easier to understand. 
  • Social media groups: interacting with industry peers is incredibly beneficial because you can seek advice and insights in near real time. 
  • Live events: not only a great place to learn, live events also act as a great networking opportunity. 
  • Webinars: these are also great for fostering an interactive environment where you can see a presentation and ask questions, often live during the event. 
  • Books: the most time consuming option, books are great for covering topics in depth. 
  • Audiobooks: if you don’t have the time to read a 400 page book, listen to it on your commutes or while you do dishes. 
  • Podcasts: perfect for being on the go, you can listen to amazing conversations that include industry experts.

You can find the type of resource that’s right for you and your day to day. Your preferences may even evolve over time, so it’s important to continually experiment with new types.

20 Digital Marketing Resources Everyone Should Have

Let's jump right in to 20 of the most amazing places to find the top digital marketing resources around:

1. HubSpot


HubSpot is the undisputed leader when it comes to today's inbound marketing and content marketing best practices.

They practically defined inbound, so it's no surprise the company's blog is one of the finest places on the web to hear the latest news and get up to date on what's coming next in digital.

2. HubSpot Academy

For those who want to bring their skills up to the next level, HubSpot Academy offers a wide range of free certifications covering essential inbound marketing skills.

You can quickly develop a strong and modern knowledge base on content marketing, email, inbound sales, social media, and more.

3. The Content Marketing Institute


The Content Marketing Institute is a top industry organization dedicated to adding value through the most useful, helpful, and informative content.

It maintains a variety of regular publications including a quarterly digital magazine, Chief Content Officer, and a podcast.

4. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is one of the most established sites out there that focuses on developing a following with compelling short- and long-form articles and sales copy.

Although many of the resources offered by Copyblogger were once focused on individual bloggers, larger brands can find many takeaways.

5. Google Ads Blog

The official blog created for Google Ads is a great go-to resource. Not surprisingly, it includes comprehensive and actionable articles on a spectrum of digital marketing topics relevant to the Big G.

While Google Ads is the primary focus, you can also learn a lot about other digital marketing aspects. It never hurts to know what Google is thinking, either.

6. WordStream


WordStream is a robust tool for online advertising campaign management. The platform benefits from a truly vast amount of data, which it uses to spin some of the wisest content relating to paid traffic.

All forms of search marketing are covered here, from niche local businesses to the latest big breakthroughs.

7. Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land is one of the original super-blogs that follows all things SEO, with a focus on the hottest news coming out of Google.

Thanks to a huge community of SEO experts, spot-on predictions and emerging best practices in SEO, SEM, mobile, and local search marketing tend to pop up here.

8. Search Engine Watch

Launched all the way back in 1996, Search Engine Watch was following the development of digital marketing before the term even existed.

Its tight focus on the latest search news and information makes it one of the most respected sources for those who want to truly get Google and Bing.

9. Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal combines a constant stream of newsworthy content with a premium selection of ebooks and tutorials. SEO, PPC, content, and social are the main categories – and new how-to guides are constantly coming out.

This is definitely one all digital marketers should peruse every morning.

10. Moz SEO Learning Center


Moz is already known far and wide for its bevy of valuable SEO and digital marketing tools, as well as its excellent blog.

For filling in gaps in your knowledge and becoming a more well-rounded marketer, the SEO Learning Center offers awesome marketing guides, webinars, and videos.

11. Unbounce Blog

Unbounce was one of the earlier entrants in the world of drag-and-drop landing page design. With a vast reservoir of smarts on this topic and conversion rate optimization, it has gone on to become a terrific asset for landing pages and everything that connects to them.

Its weekly updates are easy to implement and highly readable.

12. GrowthHub

One of the best digital marketing communities out there, GrowthHub aggregates all the top content about various marketing and growth hacking topics and publishes original content too.

Users can jump into ongoing discussions with GrowthHub members. Plus, the site breaks content down by category, making it easier to search for speciality areas you want to learn more about. 

13. Social Media Examiner


If you're looking for marketing resources to help you dominate Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the rest, Social Media Examiner is one of the champions.

Not only does it track what's new and exciting in the social sphere, but it's known for penetrating, insightful analyses and helpful tutorials.

14. The Verge

Drilling down into pure marketing resources will only give you half the story. It's vital to have a strong framework to put it all together.

As a news site dedicated to the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture, The Verge is the perfect way to get a bird's eye view of topics affecting the digital world.

15. Ars Technica

Created in 1998, Ars Technica has become one of the brightest stars in technology news.

Its IT reviews and opinion columns won't always apply directly to your work as a marketer, but they can help you get the lay of the land in an ever-changing field that moves almost as fast as processor upgrades.

16. MarketingProfs

One of the most well established companies in the world of marketing education, MarketingProfs is tough to beat. They provide practical, informative content in a variety of formats, including online events, structured training programs, conferences, and much more.

If you want to stay up on your marketing game, you can't miss out on MarketingProfs. 

17. Google Analytics Academy


Website performance analytics is arguably the most important aspect of digital marketing. After all, how can you prove the success of your efforts?

Google Analytics Academy is your one-stop shop for learning everything you need to know about Google's tools. You can start with the beginners course and move your way up through more advanced courses to become the ultimate numbers expert. 

18. Backlinko

Brian Dean is among the best marketing experts today, and he shares his wealth of knowledge on Backlinko. His content is often long form, providing in-depth instructions through guide-style blog posts.  

You can find some of the best, detailed content on everything, from basic SEO best practices to advanced link building strategies. 

19. Ahrefs 

Ahrefs is not only one of our favorite SEO tools, but they also have an amazing blog. You can find whatever you need to know about outreach, link building, SEO tips, keyword research, and other SEO-related topics.

If you are an Ahrefs customer, you're in great hands. They are always publishing content that walks you through, step by step, how to make the most out of their tool to drive results. 

20. Neil Patel

As a digital marketer, it's hard not to know who Neil Patel is. His accomplishments are beyond impressive, and thanks to his blog, you can strive to generate the results he gets. 

His content comes in a variety of formats, include his podcast (Marketing School) and instructional videos. Ultimately, his site is the perfect place for all kinds of learners. 

Make the Most of These Digital Marketing Resources

Adopt a lifelong learner mentality and stay committed to self-education. The world of digital marketing is fast paced, and when technologies and trends evolve, you need to be the first one in the know. 

By subscribing to industry blogs, taking online courses, and continually reading thought leadership content, you’re well equipped to stay competitive and continue thriving.

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General FAQ

What Are Marketing Resources?

A marketing resource can be a website, downloadable offer, or any other piece of information that educates individuals and companies on how to improve their business efforts.

What Formats Can Marketing Resources Be?

Marketing resources come in all shapes and sizes. Common marketing resources include:

  • ebooks
  • tipsheets
  • blogs
  • videos
  • podcasts

Who Should Use Marketing Resources?

Marketing resources are available to any individual looking to educate themselves on a topic or improve their current efforts. It can't hurt to check out a marketing resource!

Jeff Previte

Jeff Previte

I am a Content Manager at Bluleadz. I enjoy spending time outdoors -- camping, hiking, hammocking, and everything in between. I also love reading, writing, and learning how to play guitar.