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8 Tips To Become An Email Marketing Master

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for getting your message heard. In the last decade, experts have demonstrated again and again that email offers the highest ROI of any online marketing channel – including social, video marketing, and all the rest.

According to VentureBeat, every $1 spent in email marketing can yield $38.

If that sounds good to you, you’re not alone: 206 billion emails get sent daily, and a hefty amount is commercial email. With the right approach, however, you can rise above the noise and connect with your customers in a way no other channel can match.

The Best Ways to Capture Real Sales From Your Email Campaigns:

#1: Always Add Value

A customer relationship is like a bank account: You have to put something in before you can take something out. Customers don’t sign up just so they can get more ads in the mail: They want real, expert solutions to their problems. Between offers, make sure you’re sending out informative and useful content related to your users’ needs.

#2: Write Awesome Subject Lines

A powerful subject line is essential. Why? It could just be the only part of an email anyone reads! The subject is just as important as the headline in a blog post, so take time to craft it. Use punchy, action-oriented subjects and always deliver on the promise they offer. And ditch the gotcha lines like “We need to talk” or “Why haven’t I heard from you?” – you’ll just annoy people.

#3: Be Consistent With Your Emails

When you launch a mailing list, you’re making an agreement with your visitors: They provide access to their inbox and you provide something of value. From the start, they should know what they’re getting, including roughly how often they’ll receive emails from you. If you promise once a week, be sure to deliver once a week – they may even start to look forward to it.

#4: Follow the Rules of the Road

As a sender of commercial email, don’t overlook the importance of the CAN-SPAM Act – legislation that provides stiff penalties for unsolicited commercial emails. Most modern email marketing platforms have built-in protections to help you stay out of trouble. If your campaign is international, though, do some deep digging to make sure you abide by privacy rules.

#5: Pay Attention to Analytics

Analytics can tell you which campaigns are working well and which ones are falling flat. Again, many email platforms have these options built in – if yours doesn’t, consider making the switch. Low open rates may suggest your mail is being caught by spam filters or is hindered by uninspiring subject lines. Low clickthrough? Users might be getting confused or bored by your pitch.

#6: Offer Subscriber-Only Incentives

Over the lifetime of an email list, subscribers will come and go. Don’t reinvent the wheel to keep them loyal, but give them something others don’t get. For many marketers, this will take the form of early access and special discounts for products and services that others will have access to later. When they know they’re getting “insider” perks, they’re less likely to unsubscribe.

#7: Pick the Right Email Format

HTML or plain text? Plain text email is great for messages that have one just call-to-action. They’re also easier to read and navigate on a mobile device. However, they’re best when your site’s tone is a one-to-one conversation with your user. Many established brands prefer the “slicker” look of HTML, using its full graphical capabilities for a newsletter or brochure feel.

#8: Get Feedback from Your Subscribers

By definition, your subscribers are some of the most motivated users you have access to – especially if they are current customers. Don’t let email marketing be a one-way street: Open up a real conversation by giving subscribers incentives to complete surveys about your brand or products. With this data, you can refine buyer personas and develop more compelling offers.

Want a Better Bottom Line? Email Marketing is a Revenue Engine You Can’t Ignore

A single email sent at the right moment can make thousands of dollars (or more!)

Once you understand what messages your subscribers are eager to respond to, planning and writing that email might take as little as an hour. No matter how big or small your company, email marketing is key.

More than anything else, email marketing is built around the ideas of permission, respect, and mutual give-and-take between you and subscribers. Your ability to “feel the room” is what transforms a quick email from a mild inconvenience into rocket fuel for your business.

The deeper you dive into inbound marketing, the more effective your email campaigns will be – every aspect of inbound works together. 


Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.