Provide value. Generate revenue.

Douglas Phillips
10 minutes

5 Reasons Every Marketer Should Get HubSpot Certifications

Jul 24, 2024
Douglas Phillips
6 minutes

Mastering Account-Based Marketing with HubSpot Tools

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing methodology where you identify high-value accounts in your target market and create a personalized buying experience for those accounts.
Jul 23, 2024
Douglas Phillips
7 minutes

Boost Sales with CallRail-HubSpot Integration

Okay, so you have CallRail, the leading call tracking and AI conversation insights solution that helps companies increase conversions, save money, and close more deals. You also have HubSpot Sales Hub. Now what?
Jul 05, 2024
Kathryn Bouchard
5 minutes

BANT: 30 Questions You Need to Ask To Qualify Your Prospects

BANT is a fast and easy scheme for qualifying leads that has everyone excited. With BANT, you have the opportunity to learn everything you need to know from a prospect in a structured and precise way. This saves a huge ...
Jan 25, 2024


Kathryn Bouchard
5 minutes

BANT: 30 Questions You Need to Ask To Qualify Your Prospects

BANT is a fast and easy scheme for qualifying leads that has everyone excited. With BANT, you have the opportunity to learn everything you need to know from a prospect in a structured and precise way. This saves a huge ...
Jan 25, 2024
Jackie Jacobson
18 minutes

19 Tips on How to Conduct Social Media Prospecting on the Top 5 Sites

In today's world, social media is both the main source for the latest news and the medium most people use to stay connected. Social networking sites can also help you become a thought leader and earn new customers and ...
Dec 15, 2023
Douglas Phillips
16 minutes

13 Reasons Why You're Not Hitting Your Sales Goals (+ Success Tips)

Without identifiable sales goals to work toward, leaders can become a bit aimless or unfocused when directing their teams. Goal setting isn’t just a guide to your "Big Picture" business objectives. It also helps ...
Oct 30, 2023
Douglas Phillips
17 minutes

10 Tips to Crush Your Next Outbound Sales Calls (+ Script Examples)

I know what you're probably wondering: "Wait, isn't Bluleadz an inbound marketing agency? Why are you doing a post about outbound sales calls?" The reason is simple. Outbound calling still remains a valuable means of ...
Oct 30, 2023
Douglas Phillips
12 minutes

How to Run the Best Pipeline Review Meeting (+ 10 Questions)

Any salesperson can tell you that managing your sales pipeline can be incredibly complicated. Organizing top, middle, and bottom-of-the-funnel interactions and setting up content and resources to facilitate the buyer's ...
Oct 27, 2023
Douglas Phillips
14 minutes

8 Business Development Metrics to Help You Fill Your Pipeline

Business development teams have become a central part of the sales process. Why? Because business development is highly impactful to what happens at the top of your sales funnel. The correspondence between business ...
Oct 18, 2023
Douglas Phillips
20 minutes

27 Common Sales Problems & How to Fix Them

Having some sales problems? As a team embraces the inbound philosophy, it’s important to recognize opportunities to re-engineer processes around sales best practices. Many techniques that were once favored in ...
Oct 05, 2023
Alejandra Zilak
13 minutes

How To Optimize Conversion Paths On Your B2B Website

Nobody on this planet can guarantee that by following X or Y strategies, you’ll end up on Google’s first page. However, there are many practices that will significantly improve the likelihood of this occurring.
Apr 19, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
16 minutes

Overcoming the 12 Most Common B2B Challenges for Marketing and Sales

Effective marketing always requires long stints of planning, implementing, and testing different iterations. Market research, developing buyer personas, and A/B testing are all part and parcel of the industry. You know ...
Apr 18, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
10 minutes

How Automated Workflows in HubSpot Will Improve Your Sales Process

If you run a B2B company, you’re painfully aware that the sales cycle can be long. Prospects want to conduct comprehensive research. They want to weigh and compare their options. They have to go through an education ...
Apr 08, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
15 minutes

10 Reasons Small Businesses Need a CRM (+ Best Small Business CRMs)

If you run a small business, you may be thinking that you’re able to conduct your operations without as many resources as the larger variety. And while that’s true to some extent, there are certain common denominators ...
Mar 09, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
10 minutes

10 CRM Best Practices to Optimize Effectiveness and Drive Growth

If you run a B2B business, you’re likely aware of the benefits of investing in customer relationship management (CRM) software. Even if you don't have one yet, the fact that you’re reading this blog means that at least ...
Mar 08, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
10 minutes

7 Common CRM Challenges and How To Fix Them

Running a business effectively requires investing in a list of softwares that will facilitate each job role. You’re aware of this. So are your business partners. But while there are certain applications that are obvious ...
Mar 05, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
11 minutes

CRM Software Training: Preparing Your Team For Success (+ Top Courses)

Having a good CRM platform is crucial for any business to run as efficiently as possible. It enables you to keep all of your contacts’ information in one centralized location, gathers information so that you can provide ...
Mar 03, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
10 minutes

10 CRM Trends of 2022 + How They Impact Growing Your Business

It’s the third decade of the 21st century. At this point in the game, it should be a given that every business owner invests in a good CRM platform. It’s the only way to remain competitive in current markets, regardless ...
Mar 02, 2022
Alejandra Zilak
12 minutes

7 CRM Features You Need to Use to Grow Your Business

Once upon a time, businesses could get away with keeping track of contacts by using a spreadsheet. All you needed was a place to store names and contact information. But such methods have gone the way of payphones and ...
Mar 01, 2022
Jeff Previte
8 minutes

Sales Enablement Best Practices: How to Equip and Train Your Reps

Your sales team's performance directly impacts the rate at which you can accelerate revenue and grow your business. But your team's ability to nurture leads and close customers is often an indication of how well you set ...
Jan 14, 2022
Jennifer Brown
13 minutes

10 Strategies to Improve Sales Performance When You're Struggling

Growth. Gains. Synergy. Low hanging fruit. Expansion. Market share. Development. Value add. Did we miss any other business buzzwords? Last we checked, these phrases are a dime a dozen and have little meaning without a ...
Jan 03, 2022