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How To Set Up Social Media Publishing in HubSpot

HubSpot's Social Publishing tool allows users and businesses to post directly to all of their social media channels—including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram—from directly within their HubSpot portals.

Once you have your business's social media accounts linked up in HubSpot, the Publishing tool offers an easy way to post and schedule multiple posts at once, across platforms, and link those posts to campaigns within HubSpot. It's marketing automation 101.

Watch my video tutorial below to learn how to set up social media publishing across all channels within HubSpot.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Scheduling social media posts within HubSpot is really simple. All you have to do is:

  • Click on the Social tab in your Marketing Dashboard and scroll down to Publishing.
  • Select "Compose a message."
  • At this point, you can enter a link for your campaign or related content; HubSpot will then autopopulate linked text and any associated images for you.
  • HubSpot will also autopopulate post content, typically with the title of the linked page. At this point, you can insert different post content, hashtags and the like.
  • Set scheduling information and select "Schedule message" or post immediately, and viola!

As you can see, HubSpot's Social Publishing tool is incredibly streamlined, and offers you a simple way to post to your accounts and connect those posts with marketing campaigns from your portal. We hope you found this walkthrough helpful!

Social Media Advertising

Cassandra Leonard

Cassandra Leonard

Cassandra is an Inbound Marketing Consultant. She attends the University of South Florida, with a focus on Marketing.