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HubSpot Integration and Migration Overview: QuickBooks

In any business, having a solid grasp of your gross revenue and expenses is fundamental to success. Having tools that make it easy to track your spending and your revenue generation help you measure the financial health of your business. However, you might assume that this falls outside of the purview of HubSpot since business solutions like QuickBooks Online are more often used for tracking business finances.


Blog | HubSpot Integration and Migration Overview: QuickBooks


Here's the thing: the two tools aren’t mutually exclusive. You can integrate QuickBooks Online with your HubSpot platform to put all of your expense and revenue attribution data in one place.

What are the benefits of integrating QuickBooks with your HubSpot portal? How can you complete the integration and use the data? Let's take a closer look and get to the bottom of it.

What Is QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is the brand name for an Intuit product that covers a variety of bookkeeping software programs. There are QuickBooks variants for Payroll, Commerce, Online, Live, Payments, and Time for covering different business needs.

HubSpot specifically integrates with QuickBooks Online, which is Intuit’s cloud-based accounting solution that runs on a tiered subscription model. This solution provides assisted bookkeeping tools backed by expert help—enabling businesses to track their income and expenses, automate certain bookkeeping tasks, identify tax deductions, conduct financial planning, and more depending on the subscription tier.

Benefits of Integrating QuickBooks with HubSpot

Some of the notable benefits of integrating QuickBooks Online with your HubSpot portal include:

  • Placing key data about your customers from your QuickBooks portal into your HubSpot platform to track payments and other events without having to leave the HubSpot app.
  • Reducing friction in your sales process by sharing data from QuickBooks to Sales Hub—removing manual data entry error risks and saving sales reps time.
  • Enhancing your insights into customer spending habits so you can improve future marketing messages with content that addresses key customer wants.
  • Add invoices from QuickBooks to your Sales Hub and track their progress in the HubSpot platform—creating a single source of truth for your sales team to reference.

How to Integrate HubSpot and QuickBooks Online

So, how can you integrate HubSpot with your QuickBooks Online tool? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you out!

Step 1: The Prelaunch Checklist

In HubSpot, verify that you have the following:

  • Super Admin or App Marketplace permissions in your HubSpot account
  • An Operations Hub Starter account subscription (if you want to create custom field mappings later)

In QuickBooks, you’ll need to have “admin user” privileges so you can log into your QuickBooks account and make the necessary changes.

Step 2: Connecting the App

Once you’ve verified that you have the right privileges in both HubSpot and QuickBooks, go to your HubSpot account.

Click on the Marketplace icon (the storefront icon) in the topmost part of your main HubSpot nav menu:

Marketplace Icon Highlight

In the App Marketplace search bar, type “QuickBooks Online” and select it in the search results.

Enter your QuickBooks Online login details and click on “Install app.”

Step 3: Configuring Sync Settings

After you’ve connected your HubSpot and QuickBooks Online, it’s time to start configuring the sync between the two solutions.

In your HubSpot portal, go to the “Reporting” dropdown and highlight the “Data Management” item. Then, click on “Integrations” from the list.

Data management tab

You can also reach this page by clicking on the settings menu (the gear icon in your main HubSpot nav) and clicking on “Connected Apps” from the “Integrations” dropdown under the “Account Setup” header.

Search for “QuickBooks Online” in your list of integrated apps and click on the icon.

Connected Apps Quickbooks

Click on “Set up your sync” or “Sync more data” to create a new sync setting (you will need permission in HubSpot to do this).

On the “Choose an object to sync” page, click on the object you want to sync between HubSpot and QuickBooks online. The pairings are:

  • “Contacts” and “Customers”
  • “Product” and “Products & Services”
  • “Invoice” and “Invoice”

While you’re setting up your sync between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online, you can apply filters to them to ensure that only the most relevant and useful data is being passed from QuickBooks to your HubSpot account. HubSpot recommends the following filters on QuickBooks Online syncs:

  • Sync all customers from QuickBooks to Hubs
  • Set up a one-way sync from QuickBooks Online to HubSpot with “Created time is after [today] at [time]”
  • When syncing data from HubSpot to QuickBooks, have at least one “associated invoice source is any of HubSpot” or “At least one associated Payment has Object create date/time is known”
  • Set up a one-way sync from QuickBooks to HubSpot with the default “All products & services” filter

QuickBooks Integration FAQs

Here are some examples of frequently asked questions about the QuickBooks integration with HubSpot. Do you have a question not included in this list? Reach out to our team to ask your question!

How Can I Choose Sync Filters?

Sync settings can be made during the initial setup of your sync, but if you need to change your filters, you can. First, go to your QuickBooks app settings page by going to “Settings” and clicking on the “Connected Apps” option under the “Integrations” dropdown under the “Account Setup” header in your settings menu and then clicking on the QuickBooks integration.

From there, click on the name of the sync you want to edit, then click on the “Edit” button in the upper right of the screen. If you do not have permission to make changes, this button will appear greyed out.

If you have permission, you can change the settings of each sync as needed and save them when you’re done.

Where Can I See Invoice Objects?

You can view invoice objects from the “Contacts” index. To get there:

  • Click on the “Contacts” dropdown in your main HubSpot nav menu
  • Click on “Contacts” from the dropdown menu

Contacts Index Where to Find

  • On the contacts index page that appears, click on the “Contacts” header and select “Invoices” from the dropdown

Where to Find Invoices Highlight

This will take you to a screen showing your invoices in HubSpot—including invoices imported from QuickBooks or other integrated apps.

Can I Integrate Other QuickBooks Apps with HubSpot?

Not at this time. As of the time of this writing, QuickBooks Online is the only version of QuickBooks that you can integrate with the HubSpot platform using the integration app.

Offline versions of QuickBooks can be imported into HubSpot using the manual importing tools, but this would not provide the constant, live, two-way sync that the integration offers.

Can a Third Party Manage the Integration for Me?

Yes. You can assign a third-party organization to manage your QuickBooks and HubSpot integration for your business. However, to do so, they would need to have the correct permission sets for both your HubSpot account and your QuickBooks account. 

Need Help Integrating HubSpot with Your Business?

You might see some benefits from leveraging a CRM migration & integration service! This service helps you migrate your most important data from your other apps into your HubSpot account so you and your team can have a “single source of truth” for your operations.

Why make your team log into two or more apps to get things done when they can achieve it all from inside of a single platform that saves them time and gives them a more holistic picture of your sales, marketing, and service efforts?

Book a meeting with the Bluleadz team to discuss your business’ needs and goals!

Douglas Phillips

Douglas Phillips

Former military brat, graduated from Leilehua High School in Wahiawa, Hawaii in 2001. After earning my Bachelor's in English/Professional Writing, took on a job as a writer here at Bluleadz.