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10 Great LinkedIn Groups for Tech Companies

LinkedIn is a must join social network for every professional, no matter what industry. The site offers a number of benefits to users like the ability to search for and find talent, look for a new job, prospect for clients, and engage with other people and companies in your industry.

“LinkedIn Groups” are one element of the site that offers companies the ability to stay on top of industry trends, learn from thought leaders in your field, engage with other users and network.

10 Great LinkedIn Groups For Tech Companies

There are plenty of great LinkedIn Groups for tech companies of all types, from general IT management, to cybersecurity and IT solutions. If you're in the industry, LinkedIn Groups are a great way to stay on top of trends, industry news, and educate yourself on the latest advancements. Here are ten great tech groups(in no particular order) for you to check out!

1. Global Information Technology Professionals Association

This group has 36,618 members who are all IT professionals and business owners from around the world. This group focuses on the practices and concerns of international technology employees. Posts and discussions include ensuring the safety of BYOD devices in the workplace, online coding courses and the impact and growth of cloud technology on businesses around the world.

Click here to join GITPA on LinkedIn.

2. Best Practices in Service Desks and ITIL Worldwide

With 17,198 worldwide members this group is for businesses interested in proven practices for a quality service desk experience. The forum discusses topics like Service level metrics, cost reduction strategies that work, and ways to maximize customer satisfaction.

Check out this group HERE.

3. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Professions

This group consists of 19,978 continuity and disaster recovery businesses and professionals from around the world. Group members discuss, meet and exchange ideas, techniques, and related information.

Learn more about this group here.

4. Information Security Careers Network (ISCN)

Security professional's are on the front lines of the information world as privacy and breach are becoming almost daily problems. This is a networking group for professionals, whether you're looking for new talent, or are seeking a job, this group is an excellent resource. Topics discussed include ransomware, mobile security and the importance of the IT security sector.

Click here to learn more or join this group.

5. Information Technology Managers Forum

If you're an IT Manager or Managed IT Services Provider this is the group for you! 14,208 members strong this group's discussions touch on trends in the industry, and a variety of leadership methods and strategies. Recent topics include mobile device management techniques, the power of teamwork and how c-suite can create a big data culture.

Learn more, click here!

6. Information Technology Professionals

One of the larger IT LinkedIn Groups with 193,130 members. This is a public group with excellent resources for members of the technology community. Including sales, healthcare, marketing, finance and investment banking. Find job postings, and general postings touching on a variety of issues across industries.

Click here to learn more.

7. Information Technology: Jobs, Job Postings & Job Recruiters

With 317,439 members, this group focuses on job opportunities but it still offers plenty of in-depth discussions surrounding tech best practices. Learn from topics including; ways to better present yourself during the hiring process along with resume improvement and interview skills. Posts also address post hiring practices like employee engagement and retention.

Click here to check this group out!

8. Software as a Service – SaaS

105,161 members strong, this group doesn't tolerate irrelevant topics or ads for your company. This is all about in-depth discussions and relevant articles like the role of the cloud in business and reports on the global SaaS market.

Click here to join this group.

9. WITI – Women in Technology International

This group has 11,703 members who are all women working in technology. Carolyn Leighton founded WITI the help women advance by providing access to and support from others working in the field. WITI has been working with women throughout the technology industry since 1989.

Click here for more information.

10. Cloud Computing

This group boasts 407,463 members and is focused on all aspects of cloud computing. The group offers discussions covering technology, legal aspects, business models, industry experiences, research, development and other innovations in cloud computing.

To learn more about the Cloud Computing Group, click here.

These 10 LinkedIn Groups for IT companies and tech professionals are a great start into the benefits of LinkedIn marketing and networking. They are also only 10 in a list of thousands. Whatever your specialty within the industry, there's a group for you.

To truly stay on top of the news, trends and innovations within the tech industry, or if you're seeking a job, looking for talent, prospecting for clients or just looking to network check out LinkedIn Groups!

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Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.