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30 Video Marketing Stats That'll Have You Running to Purchase A Camera

Still stuck asking yourself if video marketing is worth it? Ready to purchase that flashy DSLR camera, but want to know when you'll see ROI?

Marketers in all industries have realized the power of video in their social media, email and content marketing gameplans.

Much of video marketing is experimental; new technologies and techniques come and go. One year the big push is 360-degree video, and the next it's all about live streaming on social media. However, if your business has yet to incorporate video in its marketing strategy, you've already fallen behind.

It's not too late to grab a camera, build a DIY video studio and start cranking our video content to improve your marketing efforts.

If you're still on the fence, here are 30 video marketing statistics that might steer you in the right direction and prove how valuable video can be for your next marketing campaign.

General Stats

Video marketing as a general practice can be incredibly valuable. However, what do the numbers say? Here are 10 unmissable stats about video marketing, distribution, viewership and the approach as a whole.

  1. Around the globe, 52% of marketers name video as the type of content with the best ROI.
  2. According to Cisco, 72% of mobile traffic will be online video content by 2019.
  3. The top 5% of videos retain an average of 77% of viewers until the end of the video. For reference, the average video only retains 37% of viewers for the full duration.
  4.  65% of video viewers watch more than 75% of their selected video.
  5. Videos increase brand association by 139%.
  6. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading that same message in text.
  7. Using the word "video" in an email subject line boosts the open rates by 19%.
  8. Roughly 1/3 of all time online is spent viewing and sharing videos.
  9. Blog posts incorporating video attract 3 times as many inbound links as blog posts without video.
  10. More video content is uploaded online in 30 days than the major U.S. television networks have created in 30 years.

Videos on Social Media

71% of businesses with 100+ employees use YouTube, compared to 38% of the self-employed.

We're going to just put it out there: nowhere is video content more effective than on social media. It's Romeo and Juliet; Jim and Pam; me and sushi night; a match made in heaven. 

The two are a perfect match, and what's great about the whole deal is that new platforms and means of sharing video content are being developed every day. Meerkat vs. Periscope, Periscope vs. Facebook Live, it goes on and on, and everyone's campaigning to innovate in social media video. In these kinds of cage matches, there are 2 true winners: end users and—by extensionbusinesses.

These stats cover the recent environment of social video, and do include YouTube stats. YouTube is a social media platform, after all.

  1. 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos each week.
  2. 65% of people who watch the first 3 seconds of a Facebook video will watch for at least 10 seconds, and 45% will watch for 30 seconds.
  3. Speaking of Facebook, 100 million hours of video are watched every day on the platform.
  4. 82% of Twitter users regularly watch video content on Twitter. 90% of those video views are on mobile devices. If you're late to the mobile optimization party, but love your business, don't ignore mobile anymore.
  5. Over 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day—and that's just 2016's numbers.
  6. 71% of businesses with 100+ employees use YouTube, compared to 38% of the self-employed.
  7. On a given week, YouTube reaches more 18+ year-olds on mobile devices in prime time TV hours than any cable TV network.
  8. On YouTube, the average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes.
  9. 55% of all keyword searches on Google in the U.S. return at least one video result, and 82% of those results lead to YouTube.
  10. One more fun fact: users comment on Facebook Live videos at 10x the rate of regular videos. How's that for engagement?

Video and E-Commerce

Shoppers who watch videos are almost twice as likely (1.81x) to purchase a product than non-viewers.

Every business wants to keep the customer satisfied, though that's easier said than done. What videos do is allow products to speak for themselves; whether that's in the form of a demo video, unboxing video and review video. There's a reason unboxing videos are among the most popular forms of content on YouTube. People want to see what they're getting.

This can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your target buyer base and following. Video reviews on e-commerce sites could either tarnish or sell your product. If you are faced with tough video reviews, however, respond accordingly and offer to extend the conversation/reimburse the customer. Everyone can see your response, so make it good.

This isn't as important for B2B customers as it is for B2C customers, but there's still a lot to be learned with these video and e-commerce numbers:

  1. Shoppers who watch videos are almost twice as likely (1.81x) to purchase a product than non-viewers.
  2. 4x as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it, and product videos increase the likelihood of purchases by 85%.
  3. 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions.
  4. Almost 50% of Internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.
  5. Use the right voice! 75% of consumers have decided to not buy a product because the voiceover in a video annoyed them. 83% of viewers prefer an informal and chatty tone in their product and explainer videos.

Bottom Line Stats: Video ROI

In the end, it all comes down to the bottom line. How profitable is video as a marketing approach? With the right direction and strategy, video marketing could be the single most effective tactic you use this year. What's important to note is that, like conventional content, social media and other tenets of online marketing, video isn't going away. The sooner you embrace video as a form of premium content, the better off you'll be as a business. That said, here are 5 wild stats about the ROI of video marketing:

  1. Use and Distribution: 76.5% of small business owners and marketers see tangible results from using video in their marketing efforts. 55% of people consume video content thoroughly and 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers.
  2. Video Marketing and Mobile: according to Twitter, 92% of Twitter's overall video views happen on mobile. Additionally, more than half of all YouTube video consumption occurs through mobile devices.
  3. Conversions: videos on landing pages are incredibly powerful. They can sway opinions and provide all the information a user needs to submit their information. Placing a single video on a website's landing page can increase overall conversions by as much as 86%.
  4. Closing the Deal: 98% of users say they've watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. 74% of users who watched an explainer video to learn more about a product subsequently bought it.
  5. 2017 and Onward: though many lucrative video marketing tactics and fads come and go, video is here to stay. Visual learners around the world rejoice. In fact, 70% of marketers plan to use video marketing this year, while around 82% plan to spend more on video in their future marketing strategies.

Need more numbers? Our friends at HubSpot recently updated their ongoing database of valuable marketing statistics. Check it out here.

5 Ways To Use Video In Marketing And Sales


Alex Dunn

Alex Dunn

Alex is a University of South Florida mass communications graduate and Video/Media Specialist at Bluleadz. He is a big movie nerd, loves (possibly dangerous) concerts and enjoys taunting co-workers with a camera. He's probably seen The Royal Tenenbaums 14 times by now.