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Wondering How to Be a Good Marketer In a Company? Adopt 7 Daily Habits

Consistent success in any part of life is the result of good habits. Building positive habits daily points the way to how to be a good marketer in a company – and winning elsewhere in life.

Of course, anyone who’s pondered how to be a good marketer in a company realizes it doesn’t all happen during the workday. To really succeed, you need to practice in the office and out.

What fundamental habits lead to becoming a great marketer?

Let’s zoom in and find out!

Habits in the Office

1. Challenge Yourself to Get the Most From Every Marketing Asset.


Most digital marketing assets start life as blog posts, but they don’t have to end that way. Blog posts can be combined into ebooks or made into slide decks, video scripts, and more.

While it’s essential to push forward with new, incisive blog posts, learning to crank existing text through the whole content cycle will make content projects more versatile.

Map your own cycle of content, using the efficiencies of your workflow to make things simpler. When you discover how easy it is to transform content into fresh forms, you’ll have a strategic multiplier for your future efforts.

2. Track Your Productivity – and Your Time – and Strive to Do More.

Committing to time management helps you go further every day. The better you are at monitoring your time, the easier it is to see where you’re doing well – and where you could improve.

For the best results, track specific tasks. For example, you may find you develop blog posts faster than email campaigns. You could then explore technologies that help you accelerate your email output.

Also figure out where your delays come from. Are you spending a lot of time reading emails? Responding to social media notifications?

While some distractions are inevitable, you have influence over more of them than you might think. Identifying them is the first step to change.

3. Define a Self-Learning Path.

Carving out time to better your skills keeps you ahead of the curve, but it starts with a conscious effort. Set quarterly goals for taking online courses, reading books, or attending events that look toward the future of marketing.

Revisit your goals every two weeks to stay on track with progress. And also, be prepared to shift your goals as you progress and as your role evolves with your company. For example, if you're taking on new responsibilities, like conducting PR campaigns, then set new goals and seek out new opportunities to learn more about PR. 

Habits Out of the Office

1. Read Marketing Blogs.


Reading: It’s still cool. In fact, it’s one of the fastest and best ways to learn more about any subject imaginable.

The more you read, the easier it’ll be to come up with your own compelling content topics. But you should still find ways to smooth the path and make sure you fit reading into every day.

Here’s how:

  • Subscribe to your favorite marketing blogs and get updates sent to a dedicated email.
  • Use RSS tools like Feedly to curate the best content for you based on subject or outlet.
  • Dedicate 15 to 20 minutes each morning to reading so you foster a habit – no excuses.

2. Share What You Learn.

It’s said you never really master a topic until you can explain it to someone else. That’s easily true of marketing, which gets more complex every day. Sharing your insights with others will sharpen your creative thinking and allow you to adapt new ideas in your day to day practice.

Consider these options:

  • Start your own blog where you discuss industry topics and trends.
  • Post LinkedIn updates recommending the best blogs you’ve read.
  • Leave resources and information for your colleagues on Slack.
  • Teach others on your team to implement new tools or techniques.

3. Double Down on Personal Branding.

Do you own your unique value – and are you communicating it consistently? It’s time to Google yourself and figure out how you’re perceived online.


Craft a personal value proposition and be sure it’s clear and present across your entire digital footprint. Managing your lightweight and responsive personal brand will tell you a lot about making your clients’ brands relatable.

4. Know Your Priorities.

Every night before bed, come up with a list of your top three priorities for the next day.

This is a habit for out of the office because waiting until morning is a recipe for disaster. By the time you sit down at your desk with the morning coffee, the day has its own momentum.

When you clarify priorities at night and review them first thing in the morning, you’re setting an intention. Knowing what matters steels your resolve when life tries to pull you in other directions.

Do this for a month and you’ll see the huge difference it can make. Once you do, it’ll be that much easier to maintain the habit. Keep it up for a year, and who knows where you’ll be? Chances are, you'll be further establishing yourself as an essential piece of your company's marketing team. 

What are your habits for strengthening your marketing muscles? Tell us below!


Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.