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The Best Marketing Podcasts That Will Make You a Better Marketer

Marketing is a discipline that is part art, part science, and always changing. Being an effective marketer requires constant study.

You need to learn new techniques, learn about new channels, and experiment with various strategies. Today, thanks to the internet, as a marketer you have access to more in-depth and current information than ever before.

From blog articles to free webinars, how-to videos on YouTube, and podcasts, the information you need to become a better marketer is only a few mouse clicks away. Whether you're a grizzled veteran or new to the industry, podcasts are a great source for keeping up with the latest information, tips, tricks, and hacks for effective marketing.

Podcasts are portable, easy to access and a great way to learn during your commute, over lunch, or in the car on the ride home.

Here are some of the best marketing podcasts available online that are sure to make you a more effective marketer:

1. The GaryVee Audio Experience

Any list about marketing podcasts absolutely needs to include bestselling author, celebrity, and thought leader Gary Vaynerchuk.

The GaryVee Audio Experience, his podcast show, includes a wide selection of formats, including Vaynerchuk's keynote speeches, segments from DailyVee (his daily vlog series), and my favorite kind of episode -- #AskGaryVee.

Listeners submit questions, and then Vaynerchuk and a panel of ever changing celebrity guests answer them. If you'd like to see more, head over to Vaynerchuk's YouTube channel to see a behind the scenes take on the show.

2. Louder Than Words

Host John Bonini started his podcast to inspire anyone in a creative position.

Louder Than Words is focused on project managers, creative leaders, writers, designers, and basically anyone who is a creator.

Bonini interviews remarkable, well-known people in a casual way that gets them to open up about their creative processes.

3. Copyblogger.fm

This weekly podcast focuses pretty heavily on copywriting, but it also covers topics like SEO, email marketing, digital marketing, and more.

It's an interview format with a thought leader on the topic. It's the kind of podcast that no matter what the subject is, you'll be learning from the best in the field.

4. Marketing Over Coffee

If you like to listen to your podcast over coffee...well here's the perfect candidate! 

Marketing Over Coffee is more informal than some other podcasts, but it turns informality to its advantage by creating a podcast that is perfect in the background, while still teaching you stuff!

This podcast originates in a Boston coffee shop, and when you listen, you can sense it in the way it's presented. Give it a listen.

5. The Tim Ferriss Show

From the bestselling author of The Four Hour Workweek, this podcast is chock full of great information that you'd expect from Ferriss if you're at all familiar with his work.

He's constantly cited as one of the best podcasters out there, period! Regardless of genre, if you're not listening to it, then you're definitely missing out!

6. Marketing School

This podcast, hosted by Neil Patel and Eric Siu, is a great one for those just starting out with digital marketing.

It's short, just 10 minutes per episode, but religiously listening to these 10 minutes every day can get your business to the next level. Each podcast is filled with actionable marketing advice that can help you learn the ins and outs of digital marketing, fast!

7. Call to Action Podcast

It's possible to delight your customers through every stage of their buying journey. The Call to Action podcast delivers top notch content marketing tips through interviews with thought leaders.

You'll gain plenty of actionable tips for improving your conversion rates and user experience. This podcast is perfect for marketers looking to increase productivity and conversion rates.

8. HBR IdeaCast

If you're seeking information on the general trends in business and the media, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) Ideacast is the podcast for you.

Featuring the latest thinkers in business, including CEOs, project managers, startup founders, professors, and more, host Sarah Green Carmichael gets straight to the point.

While episode topics aren't only centered around marketing, you'll gain insight on a number of advanced topics like design, architecture, and more. You'll also hear from prominent thinkers in business and management.

These eight podcasts run the gamut in marketing, featuring advice on effective content creation and interviews with thought leaders on important topics, like SEO, design, copywriting, and improving conversion rates.

Podcasts are a portable learning tool that allows you to learn on your own time, on any device. If you want to improve you marketing tool kit, these eight podcasts are among the best out there.

Whether you listen in the tub or on the train, these podcasts give you plenty of actionable information from industry leaders to up your marketing game!

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Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.