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Benefits of Using HubSpot's Built-In Ticketing System

What’s your first thought when you hear the word “ticket”? Do you think of going to the movies, traveling by plane, or getting pulled over for speeding? Well, there’s another kind of ticket that should come to mind: service tickets for your technical support/customer service team.

Being able to provide prompt and efficient service on a set schedule when your customers need it can be an enormous differentiating factor for any business. This is where tools like HubSpot’s built-in ticketing system can prove to be invaluable.

What Is the HubSpot Ticketing System?

The tickets tool in HubSpot is a part of HubSpot’s Service Hub subscription that is used to organize customer or user inquiries and track service trends. The data you collect in the ticketing system can be used to verify that service level agreements (SLAs) are being upheld and identify key issues that customers commonly encounter.

The tool is available on all tiers of the HubSpot Service Hub from Free Tools all the way to Enterprise subscriptions. To edit ticketing tools, however, you need to have a paid Service Seat assigned to you.

Benefits of Ticketing in HubSpot

There are a ton of benefits to using HubSpot’s ticketing system as a part of your larger HubSpot platform. Being able to track ticket data directly in HubSpot in a centralized platform can help you achieve:

Improved Customer Satisfaction

When a customer has an issue with a product or service, they don’t like to be left hanging indefinitely. Or at all. According to Vicasso, “90% of consumers rate an immediate response as important or very important when they have a customer service question.”

If you aren’t responding quickly to customer questions, then you’re not driving customer satisfaction. Quite the opposite. The ticketing system in HubSpot helps you improve your response time to customer issues and questions so that you can uphold your SLAs and respond quickly enough to satisfy modern consumers.

This enhanced customer satisfaction can have several related effects on customer retention, lifetime value, and reconversion rates.

Enhanced Service Team Collaboration

Having a tool where you can have any member of the service team can review each service/support ticket, forward customer questions to specialists, and review ticketing data in a centralized location can help your service team achieve greater collaboration.

The ticketing system in HubSpot helps to empower and enhance collaboration among your service team members as well as between them and other departments as they work to resolve customer issues. From quickly assigning (or reassigning) ticket-related tasks to different team members to communicating key findings from ticket system data, the tool can be invaluable for fostering collaboration between your teams.

Increased Service Team Productivity

Having a consistent and reliable system for addressing customer service requests can be crucial for ensuring that your service team is able to remain consistently productive. Additionally, being able to track service team performance metrics like time-to-first response, time-to-resolution, and resolution rate helps you identify opportunities for improvement in your customer service/tech support department.

Tracking performance metrics also allows individual service team members see how well they’re performing against their goals so they can make their own course corrections and adjustments as needed.

Seamless Integration with the Rest of Your HubSpot Tools

One of the biggest benefits of using the ticketing tools in HubSpot is how they can seamlessly integrate with your other HubSpot tools. For example, say a marketing or sales team member is communicating with a prospect or customer in the Conversations Inbox when the customer asks a question that they don’t know the answer to.

The marketer or sales rep could create a ticket in HubSpot from the conversations tool for them to answer the question or resolve the issue brought up during the initial communication.

Automated Ticket Creation Tools

You could use HubSpot workflows to trigger the creation of support tickets automatically when a customer fills out a form on your website for customer support. This could help you improve time-to-response by partially automating the process for generating a ticket.

This helps save time and effort for your service team—and is another example of the benefits of integrating your HubSpot ticketing system with your other HubSpot tools.

Improved Scalability as You Grow

One of the challenges of growing your business is operating it at scale. As sales and revenues increase, so too do the demands on your marketing, sales, and service teams. Customers who make larger purchases will have commensurately higher expectations for the service they receive. Meanwhile, simply having more customers will naturally lead to an increase in service requests.

Scaling your services to match your growth can be an enormous challenge. HubSpot’s ticketing system can help you manage your scalability by making customer service workflows more consistent, providing you with the data you need to accurately assess how much your service team needs to grow, and even giving you insights into ways you could modify your sales process or products/services to minimize the occurrence of common issues.

Demonstrating Service Team ROI

Another benefit of having a centralized location to track important service team performance data is that it makes it easier to track the return on investment that you see from your service team.

How many customers are they interacting with? How many of those customers go on to make additional purchases or keep their subscription going? Having answers to these questions helps you establish the ROI of your service team’s efforts—which can be useful when the time comes to adjust the corporate budget for the new year and you’re presenting a list of needs to investors or decision makers in your organization.

Increased Customer Lifetime Value and ROI

Happy customers are more likely to stay with your brand for longer periods of time and be more receptive towards upsell offers, new/repeat purchases, and even promote your brand to others. This can help to increase the lifetime value of individual customers and attract more customers in the future—helping to drive increased revenue for your business.

HubSpot’s ticketing system makes it easier to provide excellent customer service to your existing customers to drive increased customer satisfaction, retention, and net promoter score.

Get Help Mastering the Ticketing Tools in HubSpot

The ticketing system in HubSpot can be enormously useful—the benefits outlined above are just a few examples of how you can use it to help your company and your service team. However, realizing all of the benefits of HubSpot’s ticketing system might be easier said than done, especially for new or inexperienced users of the platform.

Are you trying to get the most out of your HubSpot tools? Reach out to the experts at Bluleadz for information, advice, and support.

Douglas Phillips

Douglas Phillips

Former military brat, graduated from Leilehua High School in Wahiawa, Hawaii in 2001. After earning my Bachelor's in English/Professional Writing, took on a job as a writer here at Bluleadz.