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How To Build an Empire With the Right Marketing Objectives

It's become an industry standard to provide relevant content and engage in conversation with your prospects. This helps to foster a more personable relationship with your followers that's unique from the competition. Anything less and you'll be lost in the minutiae.

Relevant content talks about their pain points and needs–by doing this, it shows you’re there to help them rather than helping yourself.

In order to grow, it’s imperative that businesses have the right marketing objectives; i.e. a customer-centric approach.

Here are some marketing objectives you should be doing to build your business into an empire!

The right marketing objectives will help you make an empire out of your company

Create a Responsive Website Design

Your website is hands down your biggest sales tool. A website that’s optimized for mobile is necessary to provide visitors with a better user experience–especially for those using a smartphone or tablet.

Another important aspect of your responsive website is the use of landing pages with forms for content offers or promotions to capture leads.

Complete SEO & Monitor Analytics

Simply put, SEO helps people find your website. You could be creating awesome content for your audience, but if you’re not optimizing that content, people won’t be able to find it.

It’s extremely important that you optimize your website pages, landing pages, blog articles and any other website content with page titles, H1 and H2 tags, meta descriptions and URLs that are all keyword optimized. When you properly optimize your website, you’ll increase your search rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

Monitoring analytics is a major marketing objective that should not be overlooked. Analytics are used to measure and monitor visitors’ behavior on your website.

This allows you to take a look into what’s working and what’s not so you can take the necessary steps and make the necessary changes to convert those visitors into leads.

Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals are a key component of building the right marketing objectivesIn order to build your business into an empire, you need to set goals each month (or quarter) that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely ─ AKA, SMART goals! Using the results from the analytics you’re monitoring allows you to see whether you’re on track to meet your goals or not.

SMART goals force you to answer the tough questions needed to create a successful marketing strategy. To go a little more in depth with SMART goals, check out this article.

Establish a Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy will help you define your objectives and the tools that will be necessary to achieve those objectives while driving traffic to your website.

You should be engaging with your audience across all of your social media platforms. Here are a few tips for the 3 main platforms:

  • Twitter - Share real-time, up-to-the-minute news and updates. Using hashtags can help maximize your reach, especially for a hashtag that may be trending (for example, a specific event or holiday).
  • Facebook - Engage your audience with updates, advice and promotions. Paid promotion or ads can help you reach a wider and/or more specific audience.
  • LinkedIn - Share blog updates from your website and career opportunities that may be available. Remember that LinkedIn is a more professional platform than Facebook or Twitter, so be sure that the tone of your posts is appropriate. A personal LinkedIn accounts helps you manage your professional relationships, grow your business network and connect with new prospects.

Constantly Produce New Content

Constantly producing new content is useless if you’re not creating meaningful content that your audience is looking for. Do your research and get to know your audience! Meaningful content helps create connections and proves that you’re listening and know what motivates your audience ─ this will help you create the best content that fits their needs.

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to create! This includes website content, blog articles, news updates, content offers, press releases─you name it!

Publishing new blog articles on a weekly basis and building up your subscribers will help grow your audience and can help you to learn more about your audience by monitoring those analytics and seeing which articles are performing best.

Utilize Email Marketing

In addition to your website, email marketing is another great sales tool. Did you know that email marketing is consistently voted the most effective marketing channel? On average, every $1 spent on email marketing has a return of $44.25. Here are a few email marketing suggestions:Utilizing email marketing to exceed your marketing objectives

  • Including personalization like a contact’s first name in your emails adds a personal touch that can help drive engagement.
  • Sending monthly newsletters to your entire contact database is an easy way to drive traffic to your website and encourage them to subscribe to your blog.
  • Workflows, or lead nurturing emails, can be very time consuming to set up, but can be very beneficial in the long run! If you can set up successful workflows to automate your lead nurturing, you’ll be saving yourself lots of time and more importantly, driving your leads down the sales funnel.

There You Have It

SEO and monitoring analytics are necessary to support your responsive website and help it flourish and grow. These help carry the weight of your social media efforts, new content and email marketing strategies that bring visitors to your website, convert them into leads and drive them down the sales funnel.

Following these marketing objectives will surely get you on the way to building your business into a full fledged empire!

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Jackie Wiley

Jackie Wiley

I joined Bluleadz in 2014 after graduating from the University of Tampa. I enjoy building client relationships and helping them transform their business through inbound marketing, sales, and service. Born and raised in Naples, FL, I enjoy watching Friends re-runs, exploring the outdoors with my husband and our golden retriever, and spending time with family and friends.