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HR and Sales Use Cases for HubSpot Tickets

The HubSpot tickets tool is an invaluable tool for customer service teams of all sizes and industries. But, did you know that the tool is useful for more than just improving customer service? It’s also a great tool for internal departments like human resources (HR) teams.

Blog | HR and Sales Use Cases for HubSpot Tickets

How can tickets help your HR department or other internal teams? Let’s explore some of the different ways you could use HubSpot’s ticketing system in your organization’s HR processes:

HR Use Cases for HubSpot Tickets

Traditionally, you’d expect a tool located under the “Service” header of the main HubSpot navigation menu to only be useful for service teams. However, there are ways to use tickets for your HR processes. Some examples of HR use cases for HubSpot tickets include:

Streamlining Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is a crucial process for any organization regardless of industry focus. Taking new employees in and giving them the training and information they require to do the work you need them to do is an indispensable part of new hire onboarding.

HubSpot’s ticketing system can help you improve the onboarding process by allowing you to create tickets for new hires in your organization. For example, you could set up a workflow for new employees that, when a contact is registered in your system as a new hire for a particular department, tickets related to that department’s onboarding process are generated for that employee and whoever is in charge of onboarding them.

You could then track the employee’s progress towards completing their onboarding task to see if they’re on schedule to complete the process. In their onboarding tickets, HR and onboarding managers can initiate conversations with the new hire—helping to enhance collaboration between new hires, managers, and HR.

Managing Employee Requests and Inquiries

employee asking a question at the officeCustomers aren’t the only ones who can encounter issues with your brand. Sometimes, an employee might need to submit a support request to HR to solve some issue or answer a question that they can’t find in their employee handbook or your company’s internal FAQ resource.

HubSpot tickets give your employees a fast and easy way to not only submit requests for support to other members of your team but to track the progress of their inquiries and reach out to the HR rep working on them, if necessary. This helps to give employees a greater sense of engagement with the HR team and lets them know that their requests and inquiries are being followed up on.

If HR notices that they’re getting a lot of inquiries about the same topic, they can then use that opportunity to create an internal resource for employees to answer it. A common choice is to create an FAQ page for the question and share the link with employees. You could even distribute it by creating tickets in HubSpot for employees to check the FAQ if it’s an especially important update.

Addressing Employee Feedback and Suggestions

According to Zippia, “66% of employees would leave their job if they didn’t feel appreciated. Among millennials, this number jumps to a shocking 76%.” Part of ensuring that employees feel appreciated is listening to employee feedback and suggestions about the workplace and responding to it.

This can mean either taking employee suggestions and enacting them when they would provide benefit to the workplace or explaining why a particular practice is necessary (or should be avoided).

For example, say that Jane Doe in marketing wanted to assemble gift baskets for her highest-qualified prospects. In a general sales business, this might be a good idea to generate some goodwill. However, in a medical industry where the prospect is a licensed physician of some kind, this idea would need more scrutiny since it risks violating ethical guidelines for the industry outlined in the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics. In this case, the HR team might collaborate with legal to assemble a response detailing what would be appropriate for a gift basket and what the limitations would be on such gifts.

By acting on employee suggestions—or at least listening to it and responding—HR can help make employees feel more appreciated. This, in turn, helps to drive employee engagement to improve retention and productivity.

Resolving Employee Complaints and Issues

frustrated worker in the officeSometimes, employees may encounter situations that negatively affect their workplace experience. These events can have a severe impact on their engagement with work and, in some cases, even lead to voluntary turnover. In the case of workplace misconduct, there could be lawsuits against the company.

Forbes estimates that workplace misconduct costs U.S. businesses $20.2 billion in a year just for the average cost to hire a new worker to replace the one who leaves. The article notes that “it apparently does not include any legal, compensation or other costs associated with the departure or replacement of employees and is based on a five-year estimate.”

So, addressing workplace complaints and issues that negatively impact the employee experience is crucial for maintaining employee engagement with work. Here, using the ticketing system to address commonplace issues like a lack of necessary resources to complete work can be useful.

However, for more serious complaints like workplace harassment, creating an anonymous complaint system that allows employees to submit their complaints without fear of retaliation is necessary. According to a report from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, “half of discrimination and harassment complaints produce retaliation.” So, this may require a different solution than submitting a ticket in HubSpot.

Sales Use Cases for HubSpot Tickets

Another team you might not think would benefit from tickets would be sales. Most of the time, you would expect your sales reps to live in the deal pipeline, conversation inbox, and sequence tools, not the tickets tool. However, there are ways for sales reps to use the ticketing system in HubSpot to enhance their sales efforts and help move prospects along the journey to becoming customers.

Here are some potential use cases for the HubSpot ticketing system in a sales team’s operations:

Managing Prospect Inquiries and Requests

When a customer has a question or a request on a sales call that the sales rep can’t resolve right away, what’s the best course of action? In most cases, the best course of action is for the sales rep to let the customer know that they can’t provide an immediate answer, but that they will research it, ask a specialist, or take some other appropriate action and move on with the call.

Here, using HubSpot tickets can help the sales rep stay on track to provide the customer with an answer to their question. In the conversations inbox, the rep can generate a ticket from a conversation and use that to assign tasks for other specialists in the organization to answer or to track their own progress towards answering the customer’s question.

Once the answer is provided, the sales rep can close the ticket, which will then be logged in the HubSpot system.

Enhancing Cross-Department Collaboration

Coworkers_reviewing_content_on_laptop_meetingSales team members often need to work closely with other departments to ensure that they can hit their sales targets consistently. The most obvious example would be marketing since they help provide sales reps with qualified leads to pursue and craft the marketing messaging that shapes a prospect’s initial opinion of a brand.

Additionally, sales reps might need to reach out to the service team to arrange live demos or to answer questions brought up by prospects. Here, the ticketing tools in HubSpot can be a useful collaboration channel.

For example, sales team members can create tickets in HubSpot for marketing team members to answer questions they have about current lead generation efforts. Or, a ticket could be made by marketing to help with the marketing-to-sales handoff of qualified prospects—such as by passing along key concerns or requests in ticket form.

If an internal communication logged in the conversations inbox warrants it, a sales rep could create a ticket for other team members in the inbox as well.

For HubSpot users, the sky’s the proverbial limit when it comes to how the tools in the platform can be used.

Need Help Mastering the Ticketing Tools in HubSpot?

HubSpot’s ticket tools can be incredibly useful. However, while the tool itself is easy to learn, mastering it may be a different story. This is where having help from an experienced HubSpot partner can prove vital.

Bluleadz has years of experience as a dedicated HubSpot partner helping clients with all of the platform’s Hubs. Whether you just need some initial help or ongoing support, we’re here for you.

Reach out to our team today to get started!

Douglas Phillips

Douglas Phillips

Former military brat, graduated from Leilehua High School in Wahiawa, Hawaii in 2001. After earning my Bachelor's in English/Professional Writing, took on a job as a writer here at Bluleadz.