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10 HubSpot Email Templates to Make for Your Business NOW

Email templates are a great way to save time on writing new emails that you send frequently for different initiatives. With a template, you can have a consistent format for your emails that helps to create a lasting impression on leads, prospects, and customers alike.

To help you get a head start on your email strategy in HubSpot, here are some templates that you should create ASAP:

Sales Email Templates

Here are a few ideas for templates to create for your sales team to use in their communications with customers and prospects:

Abandoned Cart Email Template

Here’s an email template to create and plug into your workflows as soon as possible. This template would be a message that goes out to prospects who start making a purchase on your online storefront but don’t complete it for some reason.

An abandoned cart email template helps you capture sales that you would otherwise miss out on by reminding potential customers about products or services that they were interested in.

This template could be as simple as:

“Hi [NAME],

Don’t forget to complete your purchase of [Product/Service Name]. Here’s the link to get back to your checkout screen!”

Order Confirmation Email Template

Here’s another email template to set up to use in automated workflows that trigger when a customer completes a purchase on your website. You could also set this up as part of a sequence to be sent manually when a sales rep closes a deal.

This serves multiple purposes, such as:

  • Being a digital receipt for the customer.
  • Allowing you to share important information (warranty, how-tos, etc.) with the customer.
  • Being an upsell opportunity to promote related products/services.

An example might look something like:

“Hello [NAME],

Thank you for your purchase of [Product Name]. To review warranty information, usage guidelines, and more, please download the attached Owner’s Manual.

Consider adding [Related Product/Service] to your [Product Name] to [Benefit Specific to Having Both Products/Services] for the low price of [$Value].”

Limited-Time Offer/Promotion Email Template

People like to save money. A good discount or limited-time offer can spur a prospect into making a purchase—effectively turning them into a customer. This leverages a concept known as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) which compels prospective customers into making a decision sooner rather than later because they don’t want to miss out on the special deal.

When creating a limited-time offer, it’s important to ensure that it actually is limited-time decrease in price from a prior price point. If you put up a “sale” for something and always have it at that sale price, then that just becomes the standard price. Additionally, this runs the risk of violating 16 CFR Part 233 (also known as “Guides Against Deceptive Pricing”).

A limited-time offer email template might look something like:

“Hey [NAME],

I’m reaching out to let you know about a limited-time special offer on [Product/Service]. Until [DATE] or supplies run out, [Product/Service] will be discounted from [$Original Value] to [$Discounted Value], a savings of [%Percentage].

Claim your discount while it’s available! Have questions? Reach out to me at [Contact Info] for more information.”

Marketing Email Templates

Assembling some marketing email templates for your marketing team to use to capture leads and nurture them along the path to becoming sales-qualified leads that can be passed to the sales team can be crucial for ensuring a consistent pipeline of deals.

Welcome Email Template

Just got a new lead? It’s important to make them feel welcome! This is where a welcome email template can help. Here, you might want to tweak the welcome emails depending on how you gained the lead’s contact information. For example, if you got their information from them downloading a form, the welcome email might look something like:

“Welcome [NAME],

Thanks for filling out the [Form Name] form! If you’re interested in [Topic related to something gated behind the form], here are a few additional resources you might find interesting:

[Bullet list of resources with links to them]

If you have any questions, please contact me at [Contact Info].”

Lead Nurturing Email Template

Lead nurturing emails are a critical part of any ongoing marketing effort. Creating a basic template for nurturing leads after a variety of interactions with your brand can be crucial for providing a clear “next step” for them to take to move along your sales funnel.

A lead nurturing effort would normally consist of several emails including a “Welcome” or “Thank You” email expressing gratitude for a recent action by the lead. Then, you would send additional emails offering additional resources, highlighting special new customer offers, free consultations, and more things that provide value for the recipient.

Event Promotion Email Template

If you frequently attend (or host) events in your industry, you’ll want to ensure that your prospects can find you at the event for some face-to-face time! Here, having an event promotion email template can help.

In the template, you can share details about the event like when and where it will take place, where you can be found at the event venue, and some reasons to attend.

A simple event email template might read something like:

“Hello [NAME],

Join us at [Event Name] on [DATE] at the [Venue Name] in [City/State Name] for a night of [Topic of discussion].

We’ll be at [Booth #] for discussions about [Topic] and to give a hands-on demo of [Product]. We look forward to seeing you there!”

Service Email Templates

Odds are that your service team will need to send emails to your customers from time to time. Here are a couple of email templates you could create in HubSpot to help your service team craft new emails more quickly:

Customer Feedback Email Template

Collecting customer feedback can be important for any department—not just the service team. For example, marketers might ask for input about what kinds of content leads are most interested in and sales reps might need to know why a customer chose not to complete a purchase. Meanwhile, the service team might benefit from knowing what it is about a product or service that a customer liked or how they could improve service in the future.

A customer feedback email is a great way to collect feedback about your business, its products and services, or your customers’ preferences. In this email template, you could include a link to a customer survey for the recipient to fill out or invite them to message you directly with any questions, comments, or concerns that they might have.

You could incentivize form fills with a special coupon or other reward that helps turn this into an opportunity to reconvert satisfied customers.

A simple feedback email for the service team might read something like:

“Hey [NAME],

Thank you for choosing [Business Name]. Do you have some time to fill out a quick survey about your experience? Letting us know about your experience will help us improve our products and services to be even more helpful in the future.

Complete the survey to get [Reward]. If you have any questions, please contact the [Company Name] team at [Contact Info/Link].

Troubleshooting Email Template

Odds are that your customer service/support team will need to respond to customer issues with some regularity. Constructing an email template for responding to common issues can help your support team save a ton of time on writing replies.

Here, the contents would vary based on what the specific issue was. Usually, you would want to follow a general format of:

  • Quick Intro/Thanks for reaching out.
  • Detailed explanation of how to fix the issue (you could include a link to another resource that provides a step-by-step guide as well).
  • Urge customer to reach out directly for live consultation or answers to other questions.

Internal Communication Templates

Not all emails that you send will be customer-facing. You’ll need to communicate with your own team frequently (and have your team members talk to one another, too)!

Here are a couple of internal communication templates to help you streamline making some frequently-sent internal emails:

Team Meeting Email Template

Whether it’s a standing meeting that happens every Monday at 9:00 am sharp or a one-off meeting to bring everyone up to date with some important event that affects the company, you’ll want to make sure that everyone is there for it.

A team meeting email template can make it easy to quickly make reminder emails just ahead of important meetings to make sure that employees don’t miss them.

The format can be as simple as:


Join the [Meeting name] meeting at [Date/Time]. Here’s the meeting link: [Sign In Link for Online Meetings].”

Just plug in the details specific to your meeting—possibly add in a description of the meeting and what it’s about.

Employee Recognition/Award Email Template

Employee recognition can be a key means of keeping employees actively engaged with their work. Having a public means of recognizing employees who make significant contributions and making sure that the whole team knows can help to spur healthy competition.

Here’s a quick template for an email to send when your employees achieve something worthy of special recognition:

“Hey [Recipient Name],

Awesome news! [Employee Name] has earned [Award Name] for their [Contribution they made recently]. Be sure to send [Employee Name] a quick congratulations!

Have someone you want to recommend for an award? Be sure to send a recommendation to [internal contact email] and let us know!”

The added call to recommend a coworker helps keep the commendations funnel full with candidates to make future announcements about.

Get Expert Support Setting Up Your Emails in HubSpot!

These are just a few examples of some of the email templates that you could create in HubSpot. As with any business template, you’ll probably want to tweak your templates to most closely match your business processes and tone of voice.

Need help managing your HubSpot email tools (or any other tool on the HubSpot platform? Reach out to Bluleadz for help from an experienced team of HubSpot partners!

Douglas Phillips

Douglas Phillips

Former military brat, graduated from Leilehua High School in Wahiawa, Hawaii in 2001. After earning my Bachelor's in English/Professional Writing, took on a job as a writer here at Bluleadz.