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30 of the Best HubSpot Free Tools You Should Be Using

Most professionals in the marketing realm have heard of HubSpot.

As one of the top inbound marketing, sales, and service platforms, HubSpot has a vast range of products and tools available through their hubs to help you generate and manage leads, convert leads into customers, and continue to delight customers.

But, we get it – most advanced services come at a price, and HubSpot is one of those.

Their most basic starter packages for their Marketing, Sales, or Service Hub start at $50/month, and their professional packages (which are recommended) start at $400/month for sales and service and $800/month for marketing.

However, HubSpot doesn't want to leave anyone out.




This software truly is for everyone, and HubSpot is looking out for those companies that might not want to commit to a paid software but could really use some assistance in managing their leads and closing more deals.

This is why you should check out HubSpot's FREE marketing tools!

What Do You Get With HubSpot's Free Marketing Tools?

You might think that the term “free” would really limit your options.

Think again.




HubSpot offers countless marketing tools that are completely free for anyone to use. When you access HubSpot's Free Marketing Tools, you also gain access to every tool offered in the free HubSpot CRM. That’s 30 FREE tools at your disposal!

Let’s break down all the free tools that can help you capture new leads and turn them into customers.

Free HubSpot CRM Tools

1. Contact Management

With contact management, you can add contact and company records easily. Monitor your interactions (emails, live chats, etc.) with each contact, and run automated actions to better manage contacts and data.

2. Contact Website Activity

Monitor how your contacts interact with your website. In each contact record, you can see what pages a contact views, what forms they fill out, and more.


3. Companies

Store detailed records for every company living in your database. You can create custom filters to track their last activity dates, monitor your conversations, and more.

4. Deals

Monitor your entire sales funnel on a visual dashboard that shows you what stage each prospect is in.

If you have a lot of deals in different stages, this is a great place to track their progress and identify the companies you should follow up with next. Sort your deals by custom filters to find just what you need.

5. Tasks and Activities

Easily set and schedule tasks for your sales team – whether it's to send an email, connect with a prospect on LinkedIn, reach out via phone call, whatever it may be. Keep track of your task's completion and the relationships you build with your contacts.


6. Company Insights

The HubSpot database will automatically pull company details and put them into your contact records for you – freeing up time for your sales team to close more deals.

7. Gmail and Outlook Integration

Bring HubSpot’s CRM right to your inbox. Integrating with Gmail, G Suite, Outlook, or Office 365 can give you immediate access to HubSpot email templates, all your contact information, and more.

8. HubSpot Connect Integrations

Easily integrate HubSpot with other tools your business is using. For a full list, you can check out their integrations library.

9. Custom Support Form Fields

To make sure you're always getting the right information from your customers, set custom fields on all of your support forms to generate support tickets for your team to handle.

10. Prospects

Gather insights on the companies coming to your site. Use filters like company size, geography, and number of visits to sort prospects and find your top ones to tackle.

11. Ticketing

Customers have an issue? Keep track of their ticket status, how long it took to be resolved, and more – all in one dashboard.


12. Pop-Up Forms

No coding necessary! Add quick, mobile-friendly pop-up forms to place on any website page to bring in more leads.

13. Native Forms

Gather new visitor details and increase your contact count by building forms with custom fields and placing them on your tracked website pages.

14. Ad Management

With the ad management capabilities, you can quickly connect your HubSpot account with your other ad accounts. Monitor your ad performance and see which HubSpot contacts interact with your ads.

15. Conversations Inbox

Send all your incoming emails and live chats to a shared inbox for your whole team to use. No messages will go unnoticed! View and reply within this inbox.


16. Reporting Dashboard

Metrics live here – see how your sales activity is performing to track how your efforts are working.

17. Email Tracking and Notifications

Not sure if someone opens your emails? With email tracking, you'll know. Get notified when a lead opens your email, downloads an attachment, or clicks a link you shared. This way, you'll know when they're actively engaging with you.

18. Email Templates

Have an old email that performed really well? Make it a reusable template for your whole sales team! Email Templates allows you to distribute a number of saved templates that your team can use as a guide when emailing leads and prospects.

19. Canned Snippets

Save time in a conversation by creating little snippets to quickly add in a live chat or email. When you create a snippet – a reusable text block – you can use the shortcut you create to immediately reply back with the right message.


20. Documents

Build out a library of documents for your sales team to send to prospects. Plus, when someone opens up your document, you can set real-time notifications to alert you that they're checking it out!

21. Calling

Make calls directly through HubSpot using VOIP, then record them and save them to the contact's record in case it needs to be replayed in the future.

22. Meeting Scheduling

When you sync Meetings to your own calendar, users will always know your most up-to-date availability when they're booking a time to chat with you. Embed your Meetings link on your website for a seamless scheduling system. No emailing back-and-forth nonsense required!

Wow, that was a hand full!

The fact that the Free CRM alone offers 22 different tools is mind-boggling. But, to make it even better, there are eight additional tools at the ready to kickstart and streamline your marketing efforts.

Other Free Marketing Tools Available

23. Forms

Gather contact details from visitors by adding forms to any website page tracked in your HubSpot account. This includes pop-up and native forms (described above).


24. Collected Forms

Also known as non-HubSpot forms, Collected Forms are HTML forms on your site that weren't created directly in HubSpot. But with the right tracking code installed, any submissions to these forms can be collected and stored in your contacts!

25. Team Email

Create a universal inbox for all your team email addresses. This can help make collaboration easier and more efficient!

26. Live Chat

The power of conversational marketing is crazy. Talk to prospects when they're actively on your site with live chat. Plus, you can redirect conversations to the perfect salesperson to answer any questions and close those deals.

27. Conversational Bots

Automate your conversations with conversational bots. You can use bot logic to provide resources to visitors, connect them with a salesperson, book meetings, and more.


28. Mobile Optimization

Analyze the content you create on various devices to make sure it looks perfect before you send it out.

29. User Roles

Set custom permissions for all your team members. If you have more high-level tools, you can restrict users and allow others access, with multiple tiers available.

30. Reporting Dashboards

Gather in-depth data on your overall marketing performance to see how your efforts are working and to spot areas you can improve on.

How to Make the Most of Your Free HubSpot Marketing Tools

This versatile suite of tools is an excellent complement to your existing marketing strategy. Let's review how to get the most mileage out of these free tools.

Set Up Live Chat and Bots – Like Now.



Conversational marketing is starting to take the world by storm. This marketing strategy uses real-time conversations to bring buyers through the marketing and sales funnel.

With the right conversational marketing tactics in place – like live chat and chat bots – you can foster new relationships with your website visitors in real time, and, using targeted messaging, can convert leads into customers.

Sounds amazing, right?

This is why having live chat set up on your website is so important. Place it on your homepage, about us page, products/services page, and any other high-traffic webpage that brings in leads. Catch them early, and close them sooner.

Keep a Close Eye on the Prospects Interacting With Your Site.

Use the contact management tools to your advantage. Monitor the pages your contacts visit, the forms they submit, etc., to get a better understanding of the needs they might have and a reason for them coming to your site.

Set up frequent tasks and reminders for your sales team to reconnect with your prospects. That way no opportunities slip through the cracks. Plus, if you integrate your HubSpot CRM with your email, you can quickly send emails straight from the platform!

Don't forget to cross-check if they're opening your emails, the documents you send, or the links you share. Keep the relationship going and continue to build a trusting relationship with them. Slow and steady wins the race, after all.

Provide More Opportunities For Visitors to Convert With Forms.


Fuel your lead generation by offering as many opportunities for website visitors to convert.

Add forms to gated content, downloadable offers, reviews, assessments, and demonstrations. The more you have, the more chances they'll want at least one.

No need to ask for their mother's maiden name, birthplace, etc. – keep it simple yet targeted. Customize your form fields to gather the information that's most important to your business and can help you properly qualify your leads.

Set Goals, Then Track Your Progress to Keep Improving.

With the easy-to-use reporting dashboards available to you through the HubSpot CRM and the free marketing tools, there's no reason you shouldn't be monitoring your sales activity and marketing performance.

At the beginning of the quarter, set SMART goals for your team and yourself. How many SQLs do you wish to bring in this quarter? How many meetings do you want to book?

With these target numbers in mind, you can ensure that you're working your hardest to reach them and improve your chances of closing more deals and bringing on happy clients.

Free Tools That Actually Pack a Punch

As you can see, the free HubSpot marketing tools set you up for sustainable success with your efforts for attracting the right audience, engaging and connecting with them in a meaningful way, and delighting them throughout the buyer's journey. Are you ready to take your game to the next level, at no extra charge?

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Baylor Cherry

Baylor Cherry

Baylor is an inbound specialist for Bluleadz. As a native Floridian, she enjoys soaking up the Florida sun, buying clothes she can’t afford, and dreaming about one day owning a dachshund.