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Need Software Developers? Win the Best Talent With These 4 Things

Attracting the best and brightest talent is difficult in the current competitive talent market. 

And when it comes to hiring in-demand roles like software developers, you need to get creative with your recruiting program to earn their attention. 

Software developers are in high demand and short supply. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the software developer job outlook is growing 24%, which is much faster than the average.

There are about five open jobs for every one developer. This means that we’re all in the race to hire the best ones. It’s practically a competitive sport!


So how do you get a leg up on the competition?

It starts with looking past compensation. Nowadays, employees are looking for more than just beaucoup bucks. All the hype is about work-life balance, growth potential, and overall job satisfaction. 

You can stand out to talent by fostering a culture of growth, trust, and happiness. To create an awesome culture and attract great software developers, focus on these four things:

1. Providing Learning Opportunities


Software developers thrive in challenging environments. If software developers become bored in their current roles, you can bet they’re looking for a new opportunity.

Boredom will cause your developers to accept LinkedIn InMails from recruiters. And if that message promises growth opportunities, prepare for them to jump ship. 

Here at Bluleadz, we encourage our employees to grow personally and professionally. If a developer would like to take a JavaScript course or learn how to garden, we help them accomplish their educational goals.

With subscriptions to learning management systems like PiiQ, acquiring brand new knowledge is just a click away! I have been able to attract developers to our company simply because the role seems “interesting.”

In a professional climate where technology is ever-changing, your company must stay au courant. Learning is an inherent part of a developer's job.

Is your company willing to pay for courses so your developers can learn different languages of frameworks? If so, you have something to offer in this market.

Since there are more open positions than developers seeking employment, every perk counts!

2. Offering Remote Workdays 

One of the first questions developers ask me in the interview process is, “Can I work from home?” This inquiry comes well before compensation.

Many software developers prefer working from home, but then again, who doesn’t? Flexibility is gold in the workplace. Remote opportunities allow developers to design their own unique work environment, one that’s far away from office distractions.

It makes sense; when you’re knee deep in code, solitude is essential. Work from home (WFH) days are also a demonstration of good faith, showing that you trust your employees to get the work done. They also alleviate the burden of a tiresome commute, while saving your employees money on expenses like gas, public transportation costs, and wear and tear on vehicles.

At Bluleadz, all of your employees are eligible to work from home two days out of the week. Not only do developers like working from home, but they enjoy a collaborative working environment. So, the days they are working on-site, it’s easy for them to walk over to another developer and share ideas or ask questions.

3. Measuring Employee Happiness


What is your employee happiness score? At Bluleadz, this is something we measure on a monthly basis at our State of the Agency Meeting.

Each employee participates in an anonymous survey, and one of the components measured is each employee’s overall happiness. Job satisfaction is a bigger priority than compensation.

Software developers are compensated pretty well, so companies have to offer something more enticing. If the software developer that you’re interviewing does their research and your reputation doesn’t match, that could be the nail in the coffin for you.

Unhappy employees cost companies millions of dollars. On the other hand, happy employees exude a can-do attitude and are willing to go above and beyond.

One of the reasons I am able to attract software developers from other companies to mine is our culture. Happy software developers will stay at your company longer, meaning you don’t have to hire or train as often.

4. Building a Positive Employer Brand

A positive employer brand will attract quality developers. The world of software development is big, yet small enough, where word of mouth could potentially damage your reputation.

Think of your current employees as your brand ambassadors. Developers want to work for companies that have a positive work atmosphere.

At the end of the day, compensation is just a small component that influences the decision making process for developers. It is important that they buy into your company and your brand.

The most recent developer I hired didn't take the job because I offered her a high salary. She took the position because she can see the company vision. Ultimately, she felt she could learn and grow here.

Employees deserve to feel supported and valued. Focus on building a culture that makes them feel this way so you can attract and retain a team of awesome developers. 

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Jasmine Kaplani

Jasmine Kaplani

Jasmine is the talent manager at Bluleadz. She enjoys the finer things in life – Gucci purses, Tory Burch flip-flops, etc. She's also passionate about uniting people with their best career opportunities and growing the BZ team with awesome Tampa Bay talent.