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What are Ways to Improve Google Quality Score?

As a part of paid search ads in digital advertising, your Google quality score is essentially a condensed scoring of your landing pages overall user experience, incorporating your ad relevance, click-through rates, landing page experience, and search/ad text.

Why does this matter?

A higher Google quality score can translate into lower cost per click.

For a quick overview of Google quality score, and ways you can improve your score, secure lower ad prices, and provide a better experience for your users, check out paid media specialist Summer Noonan's video above!

4 Tips to Improve Your Google Quality Score

Improving your business's or website's Google quality score depends primarily on user experience; specifically, how relevant your ads and content are for users.

This depends on how thoroughly you complete keyword research and what kind of value you're providing audiences and prospective customers.

Here are four steps you can take to improve their overall Google quality score:

1. Optimize Your Ad Text.

This is where important keyword research can play a huge role in determining your quality score.

However, you should do more than just use relevant keywords and phrases in your ad text – you should also tailor ad text to what your audience is looking for: phrases, questions, and long-tail keywords.

Include specific attributes about your product that users may be searching for. Let's assume you're the marketing manager of an outdoor clothing/shoe manufacturer.

"Cheap Shoes. Contact us!" is about as far as you can get from a targeted, user-friendly ad; "Where to buy shoes" is at least halfway there, but "Where to buy affordable hiking shoes" is very targeted ad text if you're in that industry. You could even target by location with location/shop specific Google ads.

2. Include Ad CTA Text.

Following the previous point, consider adding some form of actionable call-to-action text in your ads. Give people a reason to click your ad, and push them to click now – establish immediacy with immediate value. This can include phrases such as:

  • "Learn More"
  • "Save X% Now"
  • "Download Now"

3. Fine-tune Your Landing Pages.

Like your ad text, landing pages and landing page keywords should be closely linked to end deliverables – common customer problems, questions, and interests, based on need.

Landing page content that is misaligned with end deliverables or source pages can result in a lower Google quality score, so make sure your landing page content contains keywords that match user interests and the rest of your campaign(s).

4. Specify Your Ad Groups.

A targeted ad is a successful ad. You don't want to waste clicks on users that don't need your product or service – audiences that your product doesn't resonate with. 

If you're the CEO of a growing cybersecurity company, you wouldn't use "SaaS" or "software company" in general as ad groups; you'd want to hone in on the specifics of your service.

In this case, "cybersecurity" or "cybersecurity provider" as primary keywords would help you target users that are actually interested in your service.

Looking for more information on increasing Google quality score or Google Ads in general? Bluleadz paid media specialist Summer Noonan has a few great articles you should check out to help you stay in the game.

Watch the entire Marketing Minute series!

Alex Dunn

Alex Dunn

Alex is a University of South Florida mass communications graduate and Video/Media Specialist at Bluleadz. He is a big movie nerd, loves (possibly dangerous) concerts and enjoys taunting co-workers with a camera. He's probably seen The Royal Tenenbaums 14 times by now.