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Mastering Social Media Marketing: Lessons From 15 Brands

Today, if you're not on social media you may as well close your doors! It's a must have for driving sales, driving traffic to your website, and reaching the top talent when you're recruiting. The numbers are pretty staggering. There are 2.3 billion people active across hundreds social media platforms globally.

In the United States alone over 80% of the population has a social media profile. That's a pretty strong case for incorporating social media into your company's marketing strategy. In fact, today it's no longer an option, it's a necessity.

When it comes to social media marketing, content is the key. Strong relevant content is the way to engage your audience and can connect your readers to your brand in a meaningful way. What you post, when you post, where you post and how you post all contribute to your final reach and success when it comes to social media results.

Imitation is often the sincerest form of flattery and we can all learn from other successful strategies. Here are 15 popular companies that are hitting it out of the park on social media!

1. Nike

Nike is a great example of the right content combined with the perfect strategy! Nike has become a thought leader in their space by using athletes from around the world to deliver their message. Using inspirational videos, uplifting content and motivational quotes helps their message connect across social media channels.

2. Taco Bell

When it comes to SnapChat, Taco Bell gets it right! Using creative filters and engaging SnapChat stories, Taco Bell entices its readers to crave their tacos!

3. Sephora

Sephora is a popular make-up brand that has a strong presence on social media. They definitely understand their audience and their Facebook page is ecommerce done right, complete with creative images and smart product placement giving users a convenient shopping experience.

4. Amazon

Amazon is everywhere on the web with their ad campaigns as well as their social media strategies. They use their advertising to filter their audience based on their interest and then deliver targeted content through social media. It's a high impact strategy that works!

5. Microsoft

Microsoft expertly uses social media in its recruitment efforts with branding campaigns on Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Their Facebook page acts as a hub. There you'll find job listings, videos, photos, and event listings as well as content from its job blog.

6. Zappos

Employer branding is meant to show what it's like to work for a company on a daily basis. Zappos does just that. With its Instagram page they show off their playful side. With a parade of photos on Instagram showing how Zappos treats employees, it draws top talent!

7. Arby's

Arby's has set their target market and used social media to reach it. Using GIFs and videos on their Facebook posts that feature popular characters from video games, anime, and cult movies they incorporate “geek culture” into their posts and it works!

8. Oreo

Oreo is an perfect example of the power of “real time social media marketing.” In 2013 a power outage interrupted Super Bowl XLVII for 30 minutes. The creative team at Oreo put together a brilliant real time campaign on social media that simply showed a single dimly lit cookie with a caption that said “you can still dunk in the dark.” The image was retweeted 15,000 times in minutes!

9. Denny's

Denny's truly knows their audience. They get that the same people who hang out in their restaurant at 3 am, are the same people who use Tumblr at 3 am! Their Tumblr account is full of late night craziness that draws attention and can keep you laughing, and on their account!

10. Charmin

This is one product you wouldn't expect to be a social media star! Not only does Charmin use their adorable cartoon bears, the actual posts are hilarious! How's about an article on “how to poop at work?” Click the link and you'll see the first line, “Everybody poops. Even at work! Their social media works because it's both entertaining and educational!

11. Old Spice

Not too long ago, Old Spice was tagged as the scent of every grandfather. That is until the Old Spice Guy. This brilliant campaign released on TV, in print, and all over social media completely turned the brand around!

12. Mr Robot

This TV show has used social media for the past two seasons to totally connect with fans in a big way! From sending random gifts to fans, to interacting with fans in real time during the show by live tweeting, This TV show has got social media down!

13. Coca Cola

Despite being 125 years old, and the most recognized brand in the world, Coke is always experimenting with new channels as an early adopter. With over 96 million Facebook likes and 3 million Twitter followers, they treat social media as a conversation and use the insights they learn from fans to determine what content to post.

14. Red Bull

This energy drink was one of the first brands to fully embrace social media. They're all about popular social topics like extreme sports, music, racing and more. They use social to promote their brand through Red Bull TV shows, and live events.

15. GoPro

GoPro is all about social media! Using user generated content to fuel their strategy, making it easy for everyone from amateurs to pro athletes to post photos and videos captured using their product. Their entire social strategy is centered around their customers.

Social media is all about content, and content is effective when it educates, entertains or informs readers. These 15 brands have made social media work for them by doing exactly that. Whether it's user created content, or humor these 15 companies have tapped into the power of social media in a big way! Learn from them and incorporate these strategies into your own social media campaigns to grasp the power of this vital marketing channel!

Marketer's Guide to Using Instagram

Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.