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20 Blog Ideas That Are Guaranteed to Be Popular

Blogging is an excellent way to improve your website's search engine ranking, build authority, engage with prospects, drive traffic, increase conversions and sales, and establish thought leadership within your industry.

But it takes work! Coming up with blog ideas can be challenging on a good day, and almost impossible when you have “writer's block.”

Coming up with good blog ideas begins with understanding who you're selling to, what your selling, and what blog topics are informative and relevant to both.

Here are 20 killer blog ideas that your readers will love that will help you to drive more traffic, generate more leads, and close more deals!

1. Listicles....

A listicle is basically an article that is written around a list of items. For example, “10 Ways You Can Save Time and Money,” or “10 Top Shade Plants for Your Garden”.

Listicles are one of the most popular blog ideas and they're used by everyone from the New York Times to Buzzfeed. The bottom line is people love to read lists. It's not just a trend, it's been scientifically proven. In fact, you're reading one now!

2. How-To Articles

In the age of the Internet, no one reads the manual. If you offer a product or service a how-to article can help educate your readers.

For example, a hardscaping contractor might write “How To Construct a Concrete Paver Patio.” If you create explainer videos, embedding one in an article about your product can give you a real traffic boost!

3. Beginner Guides

This is different than a how-to article. Beginner guides can explain basic skills for almost anything,

“Beginners Guide To Coin Collecting” or “The Beginning Investor.” Content is about educating, informing or entertaining your reader and Beginner Guides are option.

4. Ultimate Guides

The opposite of Beginner Guides, are “Ultimate Guides.” This can be a longer form, more authoritative guide to “something.” For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing.”

5. F.A.Q.


Frequently Asked Question blogs are one of the most useful blog ideas. They're also a great way to give your readers more information about your product or service by focusing on the information your customers request.

FAQs can build your customer service reputation and serve to build trust for your product or service.

6. Interviews

Interviews with thought leaders in your industry can give you credibility with readers. You're showing that you know key people, and you're offering readers a unique viewpoint about your industry. Readers can gain valuable information from an industry insider.

7. Personal Stories

Personal stories might not be the best opportunity for using keywords, but humanizing your business is a great way to build trust.

Readers want to identify with the companies they do business with. Telling stories, especially stories that identify with their pain points, and offer solutions resonate with readers.

8. Sourced Industry News

Readers are on your website because they're seeking information about your business, product, service or industry.

Offering them sourced industry news is a great service. For example, “Real Estate Sales Jump in May According To Realtors.com.” Make sure to always credit news sources.

9. Example Blogs

Offering readers examples of best practices, or tips for success using examples can be a great service for your readers.

Examples include, “20 Best B2B Website Design Examples.” or “Email Marketing Examples That Really Work.”

10. Checklists

This is related to listicles, but it's also related to “how-tos.” A checklist blog gives the readers a series of steps to take when initiating a project, for example of your blogging for your real estate company “Sellers Checklist for Your Open House,” can list the steps a seller can take to prepare their home for an upcoming open house.

11. Case Studies

People love to hear about successes and to take a step behind the scenes. Case studies are a great way to build social proof for your company. Check out your client list and look for one who has been successful using your product, or is thrilled with your service.

For example, if you're a design build contractor “A Study in Light: Turning a Dark Dated Kitchen into a Light Filled Dream,” can be an inspiration for someone in the same situation. Case studies can attract a lot of new business!

12. Profiles

Profile blogs are a great way to humanize your business. You can feature employees, clients, or even industry leaders. Examples include “Meet The XYZ Company Design Team,” or “Meet Our Customer of the Month.”

13. Resource Blogs

Readers are always looking for the best solution. You can help them out with a resource blog. Whether it's online tools, books, websites or any other resource, compile a list and share it with your readers.

Give them the name, where they can find it, and a couple of sentences on why you think it's a good resource. For example “Where To Promote Your Business Online.”

14. Surveys and Polls

Want to know more about your customers? Ask Them! Survey or poll your customers to get a better understanding of your products.

For example, “What Features Would You Like To See in The Next XXXX.” You can ask about new features for your products, even get ideas for your blog!

15. Questions You Should Ask

FAQs are questions your customers ask, “Should Ask Questions” (SAQs) are questions an informed visitor “should” be asking.

An example could be “10 Questions You Should Ask Before You Buy Your Next Car.” SAQ blog posts are a great way to educate your readers on questions they should be asking and why they're important.

16. Updates

If you're attending a multi-day event or conference, update readers with a blog post outlining the days events. It's a great way to keep readers who have an interest coming back day after day.

17. Event Summaries

The follow up to giving updates while at an event, is to write a post giving a concise summary of the entire conference.

What did you take away? Was the conference worth attending? Will you go again next year? These are the questions your readers want answered.

18. VS blogs

Compare two similar or related topics or products. For example “Content Marketing vs Pay-Per-Click, Which is Best For Your Business?”

List the pros and cons of each and make a case for the one that's best... or write an unbiased article that provides information and let your readers decide!

19. Best Of

Research and outline the best choices for a category, product, or service. For example “The Best New Appliances for 2018.”

Best of posts can give your readers valuable information and direct them to where they can go to learn more.

20. Guest Bloggers

If you're really having trouble coming up with ideas... or going on vacation, consider a guest blogger. Make it an invitation only option. Reach out to industry insiders, or writers that you admire and invite them to contribute.

Today, blogging is pretty much a necessity, and understanding how to blog and what to blog is the first step your business should take. Coming up with blog ideas can be difficult, but these 20 tips can keep your creative juices flowing even when it's tough to write.

Once you've got some great articles, don't forget to share them on social media! Sharing your blog content across multiple platforms is an important part of developing a successful social media strategy for each platform, helping to drive traffic and new leads to your site.

The most important thing to remember is to write honestly, and make sure you offer value. Always write to your audience and you'll do just fine!


Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.